The following is a list of evaluated resources on business information. Any third party Web sites to which there are links from the RBA Web site are entirely out of the control of Karen Blakeman and RBA Information Services. Unless otherwise stated, we are not responsible for, or associated with, statements or material on third party sites. A link to a third party site indicates that we believe you may find the information useful or interesting. It does not mean that we endorse every aspect of that site.
If you are having problems tracking down the information you need Karen Blakeman can help you source information or conduct research on your behalf.
Starting Points
A list of key starting points for business Information
Alerts and tracking changes to web pages
Free and priced web based services and programmes for monitoring changes to web pages and blogs, and alerts for new journals.
Lists some of the resources that provide information on the process and progress of the UK leaving the EU, commonly referred to as "Brexit"
Company Registers
Searchable official company registers by country
Day to Day Essentials
Currency exchange rates and abbreviations, the Euro, VAT, industry classification codes, street maps, post codes, property/real estate, UK postal services, travel information, weather.
Industry Sectors
Resources on some of the industry sectors that we regularly research.
Energy (Currently being updated)
In preparation: Transport, Permaculture, Agriculture and Horticulture, Pharmaceutical and Health Care, Telecommunications
Market and Industry Research
Market research publishers, aggregators and research organisations
Mergers and Acquisitions
Starting points for identifying newspapers, journals and articles.
Sites providing access to official statistics around the world.