Ten science search engines

Ten science search engines is actually a list of nine – you are invited to submit suggestions for the tenth via the comments section. The nine are:Scirus, Scitopia.org, Science.gov, ScienceResearch.com, Scitation, WorldWideScience.org, Science Accelerator, TechXtra, and search.optics.org. They all have different coverage and emphasis and none are comprehensive. Which one will work for you depends very much on the subject area. The three I regularly use in this list are Elsevier’s  Scirus, TechXtra for engineering (ICBL and Heriot-Watt University) and WorldWideScience.org. Conspicuous by its absence is Google Scholar!

9 thoughts on “Ten science search engines”

  1. Hi Lisa,

    Many thanks for the alert on Nextbio. Looks very interesting. I like the suggestions it comes up with when I start entering search terms and the tag cloud on the results page. Both are excellent ways of proposing alternative approaches to your search. I’ll have a more in depth look at it once I am back from my travels.


  2. Hi Karen,

    Very useful list, thanks for sharing it. I am curious, why did you select the 3 search sites that you did? Why do you prefer science.gov over scitopia, specifically? I always thought scitopia had the best sources. Either way, I am glad you didnt list Google Scholar!

  3. Hi Search User,

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Why do you prefer science.gov over scitopia, specifically?”

    I don’t prefer science.gov over scitopia – I just listed them in the same order as the original posting. Personally, I find science.gov too limited in coverage for the subjects I research. I singled out Scirus, TechXtra and Worldwidescience because they usually provide the best results for the type of information and subject matter that I need at the moment. In another 6 months I might be looking at different topics and industries that will require different databases. “Horses for courses” as the saying goes 🙂

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