Tag Archives: Support for SMEs

Flexible Support for Business to become “supersite”

In February 2010 the Welsh Assembly Government’s Flexible Support for Business (http://fs4b.wales.gov.uk/) will become a “supersite”.  The aim is to provide Wales’s businesses with “an unprecedented level of tailored online information and support”. The site will supersede the current FS4B web site but will remain at the current web address.

According to the press release:

“The FS4B Supersite is designed to be integrated with the Assembly Government’s other business support services to enable businesses and citizens to move as smoothly as possible between online and offline support.

The Site will also provide a raft of guidance, tools and directories which professional advisors, relationship managers and customer service staff can use to enhance the support they offer to their clients.”

The supersite will provide information and advice on investment funding, doing VAT online, and local government (e.g. applying for licences). There will also be news of start up events, free information and advice for small businesses, and access to investment and specialist support for larger companies.

I’m intrigued by this so-called supersite. The existing FS4B web site is excellent and appears to already do much of what it is claimed the new one will offer. I assume more “seamless”  integration with online services for business  – for example VAT – and perhaps personalization options. My main worry is that super-sizing the site might make it more difficult to find relevant resources and help.  I look forward to the launch with interest.

    Health for Work Adviceline for Small Businesses

    This new service is part of the UK government’s initiative to help people stay in work or return to work more quickly when they develop a health condition or impairment. The free Health for Work Adviceline for Small Business (http://www.health4work.nhs.uk/)  helps small businesses to quickly and effectively address the issue of employee health, minimise the impact of staff illness, and provide essential support to staff with physical or mental health issues.

    The adviceline provides expert support to help:

    • get an employee back to work after long-term sickness
    • manage the impact on the business when an employee takes time off work through ill health
    • support an employee and benefit from their abilities if they are at work with health issues
    • encourage and support an employee who is off work, yet wants to return and contribute to the business
    • develop a working culture where work-related illness is less likely to occur

    The adviceline is an 0800 number (0800 077 8844). If you are based in Scotland, you can obtain free advice at Healthy Working Lives (http://www.healthyworkinglives.com/) or their adviceline on 0800 019 2211. For  businesses in Wales the Health at Work Adviceline Wales is on 0800 107 0900, web site http://www.healthyworkingwales.com/