Just got back from #pcw09 conference – Building Perfect Council Websites – and went to check my Twitter home page only to be told that my account has been suspended!
It could be the large number of tweets that I did at the conference but then I tweeted at a higher rate at the UKeiG conference without any problems. Or perhaps certain government departments and local councils did not like my comments? Me, paranoid?!
I’ve posted a request to Twitter asking them why I have been suspended but it could take days or even weeks to sort out. I already feel as though I am in solitary confinement and it means I have no contact with friends or colleagues via Twitter, which is a major communications channel for me. It looks as though it is back to email (karen.blakeman@rba.co.uk), Facebook (facebook.com/karenblakeman) and LinkedIn for communications.
Telephone? What’s that?