There are 14 places remaining on Mashed Library “Pancakes and Mash”, a library technology un-conference taking place at the University of Lincoln on 8 March 2011 (Shrove Tuesday).
You can claim one of the last 14 places at: http://mashlib.blogs.lincoln.ac.uk/booking/
Booking costs only £12 and will remain open until Monday, 28 February.
There’s a growing list of delegates, drawn from a range of academic, public and commercial libraries at http://mashlib.blogs.lincoln.ac.uk/who/
The programme is taking shape and the organisers are confirming speakers/mashup ‘experts’ for the various workshop sessions. The keynote presentation will be from Gary Green (Technical Librarian, Surrey County Council Library Service) on: “Loud Library Voices: Campaigning, The Web, Journalists & The Offline World”.
Further details and programme (in perpetual beta) at http://mashlib.blogs.lincoln.ac.uk/
For photos of previous events search Flickr.com for mashlib, haggisandmash, mashliv, mashspa, chipsandmash or middlemash just for starters!