Workshops, seminars and presentations

Standard workshops

Workshop and events home page

Advanced Google Searching
How to get the best out of Google and improve search results

Essential non-Google search tools for researchers
General search and specialist alternatives to Google

Free search tools for scientific information
Options for searching and viewing scientific papers and information free of charge

Navigating the Deep Web
Advanced search strategies for researchers

Social Search
When and how to use social media and professional networks as part of your search strategy

Business information resources
Key internet resources for business information concentrating on free and PAYG

Market research and statistics
Resources and search techniques for tracking down quality market research and statistics

Free government, official and legal resources
How to track down current and past papers, policy documents, legislation and official research

Finding and using open data
Tools and techniques for finding and using open data sets

Assessing the quality of information
How to separate the good from the bad and exceedingly ugly

Essential non-Google search tools for researchers

Coronavirus - please note that all face to face training sessions and workshops have been suspended

Having problems with Google? Suspect you are not seeing the whole picture? There are times when Google is the worst possible tool for researching a project, and there really are alternative tools and strategies that can give you better results. This workshop will look at the options for carrying out research without using Google, alternatives to Google for general web search and specialist tools for different types of information.

The workshop covers:

  • Alternative web search tools – features, strengths and weaknesses
  • Specialist tools for research papers, scientific and technical information
  • Image search tools
  • Web archives
  • Statistics and open data
  • Official information
  • Social media and professional networks
  • News, alerts and current awareness

This workshop is suitable for all levels of experience. The techniques and approaches covered can be applied to all subject areas.

This workshop is usually run as a full day, hands on event with opportunities for participants to experiment and try out the techniques for themselves. It can be condensed into a half day session or a seminar concentrating on key elements. Sections of this workshop can be presented as a webinar. Please contact Karen Blakeman for further information.


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